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Trella Hemmerly – 1991-10-30

Wednesday, October 30, 1991
MCHS – 3 hrs
Wrote minutes of program meeting last night and a Day Before Yesterday to go with Charlton Myers ‘What it Means to be an American’ Bill of Rights appreciation. Sent copies to Kris & Dave with short letter.
Watered all new landscape plants at roots with river water. Raked enough leaves to fill upper compost pile & put some of the Boger cow patties among them.

Gary laid underlayment on floor & got the cabinets installed in sink area.

Bob Harter called to see if Marion Co. is involved in protesting a dam on the Scioto at Bellepoint. He has prairie species spotted there. John Watkins called & asked me to help him think of ways the Ohio State Fair Board & the Ohio Historical Society can cooperated in making more use both facilities – especially youth and Seniors./

A Shawn Miller of Wood Valley stopped by inquiring about a job at Hemmerlys. Called the shop & set up an appointment at 9:230 tomorrow with Kass.