Saturday, October 26, 1991
Royce here to clean. In to meet Mary at Hemmerly’s at 3:15. To Columbus via Rt 23, I 270 & 315 to downtown where the replica of the Santa Maria is docked near the Broad Street Bridge. (under reconstruction). Met David & family on quay. David, Sarah & I toured ship – rest not interested – Then to Shcmidt’s Sausage in German Village wth David treating for my birthday dinner. I had the buffet. Then to Clipper Stadium on Mound St for the State Band finals – Josh & Sarah marching in Walnut Hills Band. Watched several other bands – all good, but the Drum & Bugle corps formations not as impressive to me as drill marching. W. H. got a Superior – 150 members – Mary & I brought Susannah home with us. Got groceries at Big Bear & got home just before Haldemans did.