Monday, September 2, 1991
Wrote letter to Tommy Hemmerly (thanking him for excerpts on Sears Woods Survey), Mary Thomas (wife on 392 E Church St – formerely8 560 & pix I took of it), Wilbert Snyder (comment on J.T.’s letter to him saying walls in lobby WILL be installed) & Patricia Michaels- Ex Dir of AASLH with pix of Mary Morgan she requested.
In to HH at 1:00 – about 10 people in. Copied Bd minutes for Exec Comm & ran 50 more copies of Horticulture Schedule. Checked on inventory of After 40 Years. We have 206 copies left. Have to check to see if we have more Mosher money. Also checkwed ribbon for Fall Fair & we need Blue & Red – Sr. Div.
Me 2 Marys at Michaels for Mary J’s birthday dinner – Mary J asked me if I could eat with ordinary people what with my picture in the paper twice in 3 days – Never a word of appreciation – praise – whatever for the accomplishments the articles represented. Now she’s 76-
Home by 6:00 & started on piles of papers all over house.