Thursday, August 8, 1991
7-009 – 229 trip
Mary called me at 8:30
Bath – Canoe ride – 2 canoes up Seguin River
Pix of cardinal flower
12:56 Log thru raspberry Lane & the piney monarchs
1:08 Orrville
1:37 Rosseau gas. 58 litres $10 can 17 ½ 5 gal – To Shadow River & to Lake to our 1956.
1:40 Lvg Rosseau onm Rt 141
Rt 11 to Toronto 207 KM (120 mi)
2;30 Toffee 81 cents/can cloudy 80
3:40 – Along I400 Service 7161 36 L $17 American with coupon.
4:00 Green Valley Truck fearms – flat, black soil.
4:178 Toronto – 1,133,000 pop. – traffic
4:25 I401
4:35 traffic clear at Rt 10 – new interchange
5:30 – Raining near Drumby [?] raining
6:00 7287 Ingersoll – Relax Inn – 3 stories
In to Ingersoll for dinner. At least 6 restaurants downtown in town of 8,500. Ate at Miss Ingersolls – $11 for 2. Bought Sucaryl $7 for Mary – cheese $11 for me.