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Trella Hemmerly – 1991-06-09

Sunday, June 9, 1991
Mary Jordan called at 8:00 to tell me before I heard it on the news that Marilee was killed last night at 9:00. Drunk driver from KY didn’t stop at Rt. 423 coming from marion Cardington Rd E. She died instantly./
Defrosted some spaghetti I had baked & made some fruit jetll. Picked Mary H up about 12:00 & went to Mary & Carls – Nancy & Ron there & Bob & Pat came & also Jackie & Jerry Ballenger. Mary J had been to Waldo to see Keith – Her garde at back so well designed & cared for.
At 2:00 Mary H & I went to Emmanuel Lutheran Chruch to greet Wanda & Willis Nye on their 60th wedding anniversary.
Drove along Claridon Prairie & listed bloomers – First butterfly weed & black eyed susans. Talked to a Railroad Historian who was not very friendly.
Called David to tell him about Marilee.