Wednesday, June 5, 1991
Howard’s 89th birthday. Took him to Reece’s in Caledonia for groceries – all he wanted for his birthday.
Tom Andreas, Legal – Bill Mitch – Ecology Prof of Dept of Natural Resources & Crowell, Real Estate – all from OSU came about 10:00 for tour of Terradise to evaluate value as a wetland flood plain. It was great being with Prof. Mitch who heads the Ohio River Consortium on Ecological Technology. He recognized the bald cypress & knew the phosphates discharged from Trailer Park caused the duck wee proliferation. The ox bow across reiver was especial interest to him – Crowell says the value of my land is the benefits it creates for all downstream from it. Showed them, the house but not much interested in it – I’m wondering if we should consider a gift of only the land.
In for supp[er at Turroff’s with Mary H & Geneva Brewer. Thebn to HH for Marion Genealogical Society meeting. Celebrating 15 years by honoring all officers. Dick West & I led tours of building. IO emphasized areas of benefit to them. Maxine Marshall, pres, refused to bring matter of MGS meeting at HH to members for vote. Talked to Pat Winn about Doretta – Don Davis collector of books.