Wednesday, April 10, 1991
Call from Steve Jenkins telling me to hang in there – things are looking up. Then he put Eula on the phone – She had picked up papers from JDT from her HH box – He is now suggesting a ‘lobby reading room – and a library in the swing room with door through N. wall to archives area’. -Now where did he ever come up with an idea like that! She also read a communication from GKB buthang [sic] his long range plan (10-20 yrs) for MCHS & WPM – Also his thought on my 11 concerns that bear out mine. I couldn’t believe my ears! Eula asked how I felt & I said ‘vindicated.’ I feel like a great weight has lifted off me.
Arwood Ginn & Betty Richards made a visitation from Trinity – again providential. It gave me an opportunity to tell them the story of the Episcopalian ‘Harding Altar.’ Read Jack Warwicks ‘Growing up with Warren G. Harding’
Called Mary to come out with a pizza so I could share the above with her.
Fearing frost tonight so did a 45 minute video of Terradise featuring the Star & Saucer Magnolia in full bloom. And forsythia and daffodils.