Monday, February 18, 1991
Finished deploying files into accessible filing drawers by putting Marion book in. Didn’t realize I had collected so much.
To Howard to Caledoni Bank – closed for Washington’s Birthday – so Reece’s cashed his $200 check for him.
Met Mary at Isaly’s for stuffed green pepper & then stopped at Nye’s to take Willis copies of his award. Then to EHMA Board meeting at Heritage Hall – Presentation by Carroll Neidhart on old Race Motors building. Price of $190,000 makes it less attractive. New board members made good showing & spoke up. Dr. Mauk’s concept of operating expenses too optimistic as are his expectations on receipts. Set date for trip to Mt. Vernon. Stopped at Young’s Sohio to have new headlight installed – $14.50
Home about 10 & enjoyed Mary Tyler Moore 20th Anniversary Show – wish there were programs like that now.
Iraq peace plan being considered but fear that unless Sadam is crushed he could rebuild within a year for a bigger threat.