Tuesday, February 12, 1991
15/25 sunny
David called yesterday & said Kass had called saying she didn’t need him to deliver for Valentine’s Day – 13 & 14 – I was really disappointed – Looked forward to being with him.
Mailed copies of announcement of Reg II meeting to committee – Tried to work on Spreadsheet – but know Jack won’t accept any report I generate takes the impetus away. So when Howard brought his income tax records it got me started on getting mine together – Looks like my taxes will be about $5,000 – by my calculations.
Howard’s about $800 unless the tust has more information.
Eula called – Diicussed who should head the Tranformation Function. I suggested John Hickson.
Had bacon & eggs & toast for supper.
Called Beverly Hemmerly to see about stopping by on our way to Fla. Found that Francis had a stroke last Fri – Out of his head & takes 24 hr care by family, Dr. says he could go anytime or can have more strokes.