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Trella Hemmerly – 1991-02-02

Saturday, February 2, 1991
MCHS 2-6 3 hrs
36 – 51 Icy snow melting
Sunny all day except at sunrise. Took Howard to Reeses for groceries & then took him into Heritage Hall – Dick West there – quick tour but he seemed impressed. Also stopped at Hemmerly’s & he met Kass.
Wrote letter to Oleta Crieghton McHenry to answer her query as to where to send Dave’s ring & stuff that she’s had since 1985. Also wrote Dave & sent C’mas letter to Bob & Carol Whitman. Took them to PO at 11:55 to beat the 4 cent postage increase tomorrow. Made macaroni & cheese.
Sorted out mopre MCHS records on finances & am beginning to get a picture. Also sorted material for notebooks.
Watched TV