Friday, January 4, 1991
Took Howard to Reece’s to shop – I bought mouse traps & poison – Constant problem in my new kitchen cupboards (see below).
In to Heritage Hall to by 11:15 to copy Landmark brochures & Peterson’s Eastern Bird Guide – 1947 edition that lists Edith Keeler as a contributor. Also copied new brick orders bringing us up to 1094. Melinda Davies there so set up her program meeting for April 30.
To Hemmerly’s by 10:00 with copy of PC Anywhere (Modem program that I took off my computer last night.) Called David & he guided me thru installation easily – called back on modem to test – OK.
Back home to finish addressing envelopes for the 48 letters to new members who have not yet contributed to purchase fund. Took them in to Hammerly’s to seal & mail. Also took in bags of trash & picked up discarded plants & roses & mums. Took article on Designated Ceremony – one on Marion Nature Club meeting & letter from OHPO giving notice that P.O. Bldg was accepted to National Register of Historic Places – Rushed home in time to go to Al’s with 2 Marys.
When I came home decided to look thru garbage that was in kitchen the night my hearing aid disappeared when Howard cleaned up. Glory Be – It was in there!