Wednesday, January 2, 1991
Don Davis here to appraise Terradise for OSUM transfer. Fair Market Price hard to determine when no comparable acreage has been available.
Packed away the Christmas decorations & undecorated the tree. When I saw Howard’s basement room while Davis was here I knew something had to be cleaned out. In corner by door I moved the cardboard wardrobe from Everett Hemmerly’s sale. By removing paper trash made room for C’mas tree in other corner by door. Now I have to decide whether to burn it illegally as I have for the past several years.
About 2:00 Sears delivered my new Sony 19” KY20T530 57-42748 – Still no reception on 28 & 34 like it was on the old one. So called Brian McKee who installed the new antenna a couple of weeks ago.
Left my hearing aid on island in kitchen last night & it was gone this morning. Howard said he hadn’t seen it but he unloaded the dishwasher & he always puts the dishes on the island.