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Trella Hemmerly – 1990-11-17

Saturday, November 17, 1990
Leisurely prepared stuffing, sweet potatoes, relish plate, cranberry sauce, gravy. Cleaned up Daddy;s old electric roaster. Must be 55 years old – Put turkey in but it wouldn’t heat so put inner pan in oven. Mary out about 1:00 & peeled potatoes & apples for me – So everything was under way when Haldemans arrived about 2:00 – David wanted to put up a new swing. The limb on the sycamore broke off this summer. Got 50’ rope at Depot Sales & couldn’t find a good limb down in the woods so put in on the white oak in the middle of the upper lawn. Susannah loved it. Dinner about 5. Davie had installed SBT Acctg system on my computer & gave me a lesson on it. He makes it look so easy – Jed’s descriptions on his well-organized photos of France included all the details the guides gave. Josh not so organized & still can’t speak coherently.