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Trella Hemmerly – 1990-11-02

Friday, November 2, 1990
Up at 7:00 to be at OHS by 9:00 – Chaired the Exhibit Workshop – Only 17 out of 41 registered showed up – think they went to Dublin Stouffer Hotel where the Annual Meeting was announced. Good presentation. To Hotel & checked it – Richard Francoviglia had 4 VIP rooms to use so assigned one to Barbara Shephard & me. Good to see old friends. Sat with Jane Trucksis for dinner – Elizabeth Sharp of Smithsonian gave insight on how the museum project into the future. Student Performing Arts groups gaver program.
I bid the minimum $200 for $800 printing from Jeanne Dorr’s husband’s company at the silent auction & got it – Auction raised $900 for OAHSM.