Monday, October 29, 1990
Sorted papers – setting up new files for personal papers.
Called Mary Brocklesby to see if she wanted me to pick her up to go to Program Meeting. She said cousin Bob Thew from NJ was visiting & they would come.
Mary took me to dinner at “Peppers on the Border” – Marion-Marysville Pike – New Mexican Restaurant. Had chimichangas. – To Marys to rest for an hour before going to HH for Jack Kellog’s program honoring 125th birthday of W.G. Harding. He was great – brought lots of pictures & collectibles.
Gave Hal Boncutter the Legal Function file taken from my files.
Got letter from Steve Jenkins suggesting I use enclosed picture of our Ex Dir (rear end of P. Imperial).
MCHS had received a 1980 IBM Computer – takes up whole end of accessions room!
Also got a rejuvenated copier from Masonic Lodge.