Thursday, October 18, 1990
12 ½ hrs – Hallmarks
Up at 8:00 & at the computer & finally got MCHS labels printed out using Fox Central. Called David & told him I would use the committees & activities WordStar file & not bother to change it in Ventura.
In to HH at 12:30 to copy 500 Newsletters on copier. Used volunteers to fold & Mary also came in to help. Mary &* I finished up about 6 (others left) – went to Wendy’s for chili & back to HH at 7:00 to lead Kappa tour. Gary & Denise Iams asked me to do it. Dorothy Strawser Klehm spoke on Marion Schools since 1828 – was my 5th grade teacher & there were 49 in the class. Home at 9:30 exhausted. Called Norm to tell him we needed $25 more at P.O. to cover mailing of Newsletters – and he objected! & I spent the whole afternoon running Hallmarks to save us $75-