Tuesday, July 17, 1990
62-86 Sunny
Went to Warren Roberts estate auction. Saw so many people I don’t see much – Ron & Bonny Lyon – Retterers – Jake & family- Heritage Hall carpenters (told them I had been forbidden to talk to them!), Caroline & Georg Schram (W.R. was Caroline’s uncle.)
So much really old farm machinery. Tool still photos & video. – WR wrote his diary on a door – In 1971 he killed 6 owls. No wonder they disappeared from Terradise!
Bought a horse drawn moldboard plow for $65 – Boys from trailer park helped my unload it. Put it in flower bed under silky dogwood. Ralph Boger bought Huber revolving hay rake for $125 & plans to donate it to Heritage Hall.
Called Dr. Lowe for appointment. Left groin hurts so I can hardly climb steps or get in car.
All 4 of my still cameras had bad batteries – had to go to 4 stores before I found the lithium 6V & B-2 – Supper with Mary at Isaly’s – then to MCHS Board meeting. 2 hrs. Felt lousy. Lucy Wood resigned as secretary & Carroll Neidhart resigned as trustee. But he came to meeting – Cathay Fourman replaced Bob Rice who also resigned. Virginia Howard will replace Carroll.