Monday, July 2, 1990
Mary, Viv & David Bratten picked me up at 8:30 – B’ful sunny, blue sky, white cloud day for trip to Holmes Co.
Stopped at Wade & Gatton Nursery near Bellville – hostas magnificent – love to see their healthy plants.
Took 30 copies of Huber coloring book to Dan Yoder – he has 20 sold! Told him we would give him the first 20 he had, plus these as his share for drawing pictures – and sell him any more he wants at cost. Boys showed me butterflies collected & Esther gave me a wheat bouquet.
To Charm for dinner – Viv & I walked down to Miller’s Dry Goods while waiting for a table. David treated – Had pork chops. To Walnut Creek but no tiny popcorn. Then to Sandyville to pick up Campbell candy. Stopped at Apple Creek for tip[eraries & coffee. Bought rhubarb pie & served it when we got home. Said goodby to them. Mary will take them to airport tomorrow.