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Trella Hemmerly – 1990-06-16

Saturday, June 16, 1990
Betty Gorsuch showed up at 8:30 with friend from Venezuela. Toured my messy garden. Fertilized several beds & vegetables across road. Message on answering machine when I got home (from Erma Hutchman’s) that Mary H had fallen as she was leaving a book sale at Tri-Rivers. Finally tracked her down at Emergency Room at Marion General – shook up – blackl eye in her poor eye, glass broken on that side, finera on right hand broken, left writs & arm jammed but x-raty showed no bones broken. Took her to pick up her car at Tri-Rivers & followed her home. Got lunch. Geneva came to take her to get glasses fixed.
Took nap & then to Seton Square (elderly housing) to give talk on MCHS. Mrs. Rollin Beech is activities director with no budget. Met Bill Van Hougton who made Marion Blds with craft sticks.