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Trella Hemmerly – 1990-05-04

Friday, May 4, 1990
50-65 raining 1.2″
Call from Wilda – Kent Schuck was killed in a one-car auto accident on his way to Las Vegas to solve a construction problem. Agnes called later – Suggest we send flowers together.
In at 2 for meeting at OSUM Prairie Committee called by Tom Bowman for materil for his Master’s thesis on adult education needs. Kensel Clutter- Bill Hutchman – Tabor Allison & I. Really at rap session. Didn’t go to 4:00 meeting of Centennial Committee. Called Joan Steward & told her I could not be involved in publishing a program book for the Centennial.
Had supper at Rax – Stopped at Servex to look at Camcorder & bought a Minolta Master 8-80 $999 with extra battery & tape – Instruction book is 40 pages & there is 9 pcs of equipment.
Thank you, Howard!

Mailed corrected material on foreward to David along with pix of Etowah.