Tuesday, February 13, 1990
28-65 degrees – Balkmy, Sunny Spring
In at 9:30 to meet with Mayor Brown to update him on progress on book & to recruit Joan Sateward (his secretary) to do research on city ordinances & officials.
To shop to ride with David while he delivered. Came to Caledonia & then did hospital delivery. I cam home to get supper while David took his final delivery. Stopped at new butcher shop near Hemmerly’s & got 3 pork chops. Fixed with rice- had corn, cranberry sauce & butterscotch pudding.
David moved my VCR player from Rec room to TV room & adjusted connections to make picture great. Watched Nature program on wood ducks & hooded mergansers.
Both to bed early. FInished “Bounty Lands” – Enjoy it more everytime I read it as my knowledge of Ohio History increases.