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Trella Hemmerly – 1989-11-08

Wednesday, November 8, 1989
Ray Foertsch here to fasten cupboards from kitchen to garage wall to left of greenhouse doors. Took storm doors to shed to store. That involved cleaning out north side of shed, putting shutters in rafters, sending Miriam Stowe’s rugs and the skids to Heritage Hall that held the newspaper collection from OHS. Swept out eight year’s collections of squirrel acorns. Then Ray put up pegboard so it was solid on north garage wall and was able to hang most tools.
Had him take carpets and the snow blower to Heritage Hall donating it to society as I have never used it in 4 years. Bought it from Kenny for $200.
Returned Bill Nolan’s call to thank him for award he maneuvered for me at OAHSM annual meeting. Caledl Kathi after I edited her rap verse Christmas letter. 8° in Anchorage for high. Have had an offer of $165,000 for their house.