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Trella Hemmerly – 1989-04-13

Thursday, April 13, 1989
two Canada geese gave alarm, answered by mate on river and pond.
Entered Marion County Roads into database for use of Hemmerly’s for delivery.
In to Nye’s at 3:30- Willis had concerns about purchasing huge road roller in Edison and getting the corn husking machine back to the museum after the fair. He thinks it’s too much to ask Bob Schwaderer to move it but doesn’t want it left at the fairgrounds storage building- concerned for safety.
Took notice of my Open Garden on April 30th to News Life and the Star. Picked up my corrected state income estimated tax report. Instead of $0 I have $600 to pay!
Supper with Mary at Bob Evans- had mush and sausage. got $100 cash from money machine. Shopped at Big Bear using coupons for cereal, paper towels and ‘Slice’. Bananas were 59 cents a pound there. so I went to Kroger’s and got them for 49 cents.
Walk in woods still water in Vernal pool but ground drying up. some daffs ruined by mud from flood but only the ones that were out then.