Wednesday, August 15, 1984
David brought Fleeting Moments Orchestra arrangements for eight piece but violins a flop.
Chris Everhart sent champagne.
Karen, kids and Dave off to Ohio State Fair at 7:00 for kid’s style show. David installed Executive program on my discs and gave me some instructions. I bought about $50 worth of stuff- books, discs, cover, templates he brought up. Gave him $100 plus $20 for it and vacation. To shop at 11:00 and began setting up more displays. At 4:30 David ____ and Penny Rose met me to give me a clock and pin set inscribed from Holbrook Manter for anniversary. Party at big success- tent up for cake and displays, free glads, pencils, balloons, ice cream and cake. Sold glads for $3 a dozen. Baker’s from Forest and Lima came. Everyone enjoyed mother’s records from 1956 on.