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Trella Hemmerly – 1984-06-29

Friday, June 29, 1984
Up at 7:00 to get Country Store at Fair by 8:30. Picked up flea market things at Hemmerly’s from their sidewalk sale. Dave helped me unload and then left for canoe trip with church kids. Not much business Bill and Erma Hutchman there helping. Went to Fine Arts Building to see professional flower class. Ken won best of show, Mary and Jan blue ribbons. Mary Ann Michaels nabbed me for her radio show so I boosted Eber Baker beans. Mary and Ken brought me home about 11:00. Set out Crystal Palace Lobelia. Marlene Stork called saying problems with her processor and not to expect typeset copy until wednesday. So I quit work on book and went to bed at 7:30.