The telephone. I rear from slumber.
Likely just a crossed-up number ,
Or that friend of the girl next door;
Doubtless that and nothing more.
I’m SURE it couldn’t mean a thing-
Unless, of course, I let it ring.
by Ray Romine Saturday, June 24, 1950
Selections from Trella Romine's library at Terradise Nature Center
The telephone. I rear from slumber.
Likely just a crossed-up number ,
Or that friend of the girl next door;
Doubtless that and nothing more.
I’m SURE it couldn’t mean a thing-
Unless, of course, I let it ring.
by Ray Romine Saturday, June 24, 1950
Notebook Image:
Index card:
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Media name: Better Homes & Gardens
Date Submitted: 06/30/1950
Media name: Holland's
Date Submitted: 07/22/1950
Media name: Christian Science Monitor
Date Submitted: 07/28/1950
Date Sold: 08/02/1950
Amount: 2.00