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She’s living on a cloud, they say;
She sweeps it carefully each day;
She dusts and mops, and scrubs the floor,
And when it sparkles, scours some more.
She washes, cooks, and sews and cans
And budgets, markets, shops and plans.

I hear her singing gaily there
On her rose-colored spot of air
Until, at four, this housewife fades
To turn up glamorest of maids
Who, at five, tilts lips tender, proud,
Up to the guy who built her cloud.

by Ray Romine Tuesday, January 22, 1952

Notebook Image:

Index card:

Submissions / Sales

Media name: Ladies Home Journal

Date Submitted: 07/08/1952

Media name: Good Housekeeping

Date Submitted: 08/09/1952

Media name: Farm Journal

Date Submitted: 08/13/1952

Media name: True Confessions

Date Submitted: 08/21/1952

Media name: Saturday Evening Post Baok of Book

Date Submitted: 09/11/1952

Media name: Toronto Star

Date Submitted: 09/27/1952

Media name: Christian Science Forum

Date Submitted: 10/02/1952

Media name: New York Times (Daily)

Date Submitted: 10/30/1952

Media name: Cleveland Plain Dealer

Date Submitted: 11/14/1952

Media name: Washington Star

Date Submitted: 12/30/1952

Media name: Christian Science Monitor

Date Submitted: 01/21/1953

Media name: Western Review

Date Submitted: 06/04/1953

Media name: Queen's Quarterly

Date Submitted: 07/06/1953