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My Uncertainty Is Certainly Certain

What is it makes pure water pure?
I am not entirely sure.

What was it happened at the Hague?
My explanation would be vague.

What causes leaves to turn in fall?
I am no botanist, after all.

Metal in the Iron Curtain?
You couldn’t term my answer certain.

The simplest 5th grade rules of grammar
See me hesitate and stammer.

In what I know of protoplasm
There exists a whopping chasm.

Which car to buy? I’d hardly know
Even if I had the dough.

But start an argument about
One of these, and where’s my doubt?

by Ray Romine Friday, October 26, 1951

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Submissions / Sales

Media name: Saturday Evening Post

Date Submitted: 01/28/1952

Media name: Collier's

Date Submitted: 02/02/1952

Media name: New Yorker

Date Submitted: 03/07/1952

Media name: Maclean's

Date Submitted: 03/23/1952

Media name: Wall Street Journal

Date Submitted: 06/12/1952

Date Sold: 06/16/1952

Amount: 5.00