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Much-maligned Season

The curves in a quiet landscape
When the last snowflake is down;
The song of the trees when the wind-king
Puckers his fiercest frown;
The flick’ring warmth from a fire-place
On the coldest night of the year-
We never look forward to Winter,
But it isn’t too bad–once here.

The moon through a crystal window
When the stars are cold and dim;
The creak of the snow crunched underfoot;
The snap of a shivering limb;
Your frozen breath on the silent
Frost-cleansed biting air–
Who stops and looks and listens
Finds winter a jewel rare.

by Ray Romine Thursday, January 9, 1947

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Media name: True Confessions

Date Submitted: 10/14/1950

Media name: True Confessions

Date Submitted: 07/29/1951