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I Wonder

I had a talk the other night
With you. For years, I’d known
You. Still, I never saw the light
Or into what a woman you had grown
Until the other night.

Oh–it was just a friendly talk
We had. Like man to man
It was. Two minds that chose to walk
Along a shady path for two. I can
But court another talk!

Your parting words my wits repeat:
“Thanks very, very much”,
You said. For what? For this rare treat?
Oh no, thank YOU. But this small final touch
But made it all complete.

Just friends, of course, but tell me why
Your voice I hear–your face
I see;–why you have lived in my
Own dreams and thoughts; _or every place
Where beauty lies–O why?

by Ray Romine Saturday, December 11, 1943

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Submissions / Sales

Media name: Good Housekeeping

Date Submitted: 01/31/1946