Truly there is majesty
Overhead tonight.
I catch my breath in wonder
At star-fed pulsing light.
How very fitting– “August”
For I confess that I
Think she was surely named for
Her starred, impressive sky.
by Ray Romine Tuesday, February 13, 1951
Selections from Trella Romine's library at Terradise Nature Center
Truly there is majesty
Overhead tonight.
I catch my breath in wonder
At star-fed pulsing light.
How very fitting– “August”
For I confess that I
Think she was surely named for
Her starred, impressive sky.
by Ray Romine Tuesday, February 13, 1951
Notebook Image:
Index card:
Supplemental image:
Media name: Nature
Date Submitted: 02/15/1951
Media name: Ladies Home Journal
Date Submitted: 02/24/1951
Media name: Life & Health
Date Submitted: 03/14/1951
Media name: Southwest Review
Date Submitted: 03/21/1951
Media name: Farmer-Stockman
Date Submitted: 04/01/1951
Media name: New York Times (Daily)
Date Submitted: 07/25/1951
Media name: Christian Science Monitor
Date Submitted: 08/23/1951
Media name: Christian Home
Date Submitted: 12/09/1951
Media name: Life & Health
Date Submitted: 12/30/1951
Date Sold: 01/11/1952
Amount: 1.00