Tact, simply said, is after all
The gentle art of knowlng
Just when one’s intelligence
Ought not to be showing.
by Ray Romine Wednesday, October 3, 1951
Selections from Trella Romine's library at Terradise Nature Center
Tact, simply said, is after all
The gentle art of knowlng
Just when one’s intelligence
Ought not to be showing.
by Ray Romine Wednesday, October 3, 1951
I eat my spinach (I can’t say gaily);
I drink eight glasses of water daily;
Steer clear of dust; breathe from beneath;
I visit my dentist; I brush my teeth.
I sleep eight hours–or almost always–
And keep me out of drafty hallways;
I turn down drinks; I do not smoke–
And wistfully gaze at other folk.
by Ray Romine Wednesday, April 9, 1952
Of the spankings with which I was served
When younger, those which were deserved
Deter me still, as still they should–
They marked me, as it were, for good.
by Ray Romine Tuesday, September 11, 1951
The fists and finger-shaking
When threatened is our pelf
Makes obvious the one control
That we need most is self.
by Ray Romine Friday, June 15, 1951