Sometimes I think I’ve narrowed
My uses down to one:
Serving as the butt of
Someone else’s fun.
But then I bounce, for man has
Phases like the moon
So each of us can take his
Turn at being goon.
by Ray Romine Thursday, October 19, 1950
Selections from Trella Romine's library at Terradise Nature Center
Sometimes I think I’ve narrowed
My uses down to one:
Serving as the butt of
Someone else’s fun.
But then I bounce, for man has
Phases like the moon
So each of us can take his
Turn at being goon.
by Ray Romine Thursday, October 19, 1950
And now the evening hour, when Care
Who dogged my steps all day
Retreats as darkness threatens there
Along her threadbare way.
What if tomorrow once again
She calls at dawn for me?
Day holds no terrors for one when
The twilight sets him free.
by Ray Romine Tuesday, October 24, 1950
I blush the brightest scarlet hue
At all the times I’ve said it:
“If things go badly, we’ll blame you;
If well, I’ll take the credit.”
But this brings me the greatest pain:
In future, I’ll say it again!
by Ray Romine Saturday, June 30, 1951
Just when I think I’m growing up,
Someone yells “Fire” or “Dinner-time”,
And who is first to stare or sup?
by Ray Romine Wednesday, September 6, 1950
Wouldn’t it be fun to know
What they’ll whisper when I go?
Will I be a “dandy chap”, or will they say “that
so and so”?
I assume they’ll send bouquets,
Or a card with pretty phrase–
Things they say, though, in their hearts is the illuminating phase.
Will I be remembered for
Being such a fussy bore,
Or a pessimist, whose troubles grow where nothing
grew before?
Will my friends recall the times
I have ridiculed, in rhymes,
All their faults and pennypinching? (I myself was
pinching dimes)
Will my daughter always think
Of the way I raised a stink
When she hammered on my study door, or muddied up the sink?
Will my bruised and bullied wife
Add a chapter full of strife
To the sad indeed cross-section of the mess I call
my life?
Gentle reader, lass or lad,
You have wondered (and I’m glad):
“Wouldn’t his good points, remembered, help to balance off the ‘bad?”
My bereaved reply, “They should,
Or let’s make that read ‘They would’–
If in all our taking Ray apart we’d found ONE POINT
of GOOD!”
All 10-16-44, a.m.,
while carrying the mail….
by Ray Romine Monday, October 16, 1944
I’m studying ways to improve
My personality. Here is what hands it
Such a jolt (it’s a laugh): I must cut it in half!
(I’m the only one who understands it.)
by Ray Romine Monday, October 15, 1951
I sat, with an important sense,
To add up my accomplishments.
I drummed the desk; I hemmed; I hawed;
I searched through files and books. I clawed
In stacks of paper. Oh, the strain
As I bit nails and racked the brain!
(How clear it got as I proceeded
An adding machine would not be needed.)
by Ray Romine Tuesday, October 30, 1951
Make me, God, a garbage-can,
And so of use to fellow-man.
by Ray Romine Tuesday, September 24, 1946
Fate, spare me from the man who says,
With well-intended candor,
“Your face reminds me so of Poe,
Or Walter Savage Landor.”
From Webster I may borrow words,
Or verse from Hoffenstein;
Or from old Shakespeare float a quote–
My face at least, is mine!
by Ray Romine Saturday, October 26, 1946
“By the company he keeps a man is known”
Brings some relief to one. Gee–
It’s great to know it’s not B.O.
That causes folks to shun me!
by Ray Romine Tuesday, February 20, 1945