The trees, disturbed, sigh softly there;
The cricket’s rasp is everywhere;
The screeeh-owl’s weird and eerie dare,
The June-bug’s mad, erratic tear,
Say June is back.
The moth’s bright wings but briefly seen;
His cushioned thump against the screen;
The night-bird’s cry, so high and keen,
All make complete-the summer scene,
For June is back.
Two stars together part the haze,
And scan the earth with winking gaze.
Their fierce but chastely virgin blaze
Makes lamps at night for summer days,
Since June is back.
The stars, though, fade and turn aside
Before the slow moon’s upward glide,
Whose light reveals where iris hide,
Stately, solemn, dignified.
The pansies, fresh and eager-eyed,
The Oriental Poppies chide:
Such blatant flare they can’t abide,
When June is back.
The dream, O June, of nights with you
Has helped us live the winter through;
No word We say, or thing we do
Can quite express our thanks who knew
June would be back!
by Ray Romine Saturday, June 12, 1943