My Howard friends make much ado
As to which is best for me and you:
For one talcas SPRING and one backs FALL,
And they just can’t agree at all– .
I tThink I’ll sound MY loud bassoon,
And play a heavy chord for JUNE!
For, Charles says, spring is wet and cold,
And changeable and over-bold;
While Dinny takes the stand that fall
But paves the way for winter’s squalll;
And I agree with EACH, you see:
For NEITHER season is for me!
And though it be inopportune,.
I’ll cast my ballot now for JUNE.
Yes, Charles insists that fall is best
(When trees are red and over-dressed);
But Ruth and Dick maintain the spring
Has far the best of everything.
They’ve battled forth and back for years,
And no solution yet appears.
But I don’t care a picayune
Who wins the point, so I have JUNE.
For June has berries, roses, moon;
Her azure sky’s a blue lagoon.
Her clouds are ships of white that sail
Away beyond the mortal pale;
And What, indeed, is quite so Rare–
As Day in June–I have you there!
(If I were just as energetic
Throughout this month as I’m poetic!)
Just let me thrill here, all a-swoon,
A-kicking verses out to JUNE!
Charles, take your over-rated fall–
It thrills me durn near not at all–
And you take, Dinny, Ruth and Dick,
The spring that turns me slightly sick;
Yes, take the other ‘leven months,
O Howards, far away, at wonths.
Just grant, I pray, this little boon–
Take ALL the REST, and leave me JUNE!
by Ray Romine Thursday, June 3, 1943