The only good in a world crisis:
We forget the small troubles of you’s and I’ses.
by Ray Romine Friday, December 15, 1950
Selections from Trella Romine's library at Terradise Nature Center
The only good in a world crisis:
We forget the small troubles of you’s and I’ses.
by Ray Romine Friday, December 15, 1950
Figures astronomical
One practically ignores
Beside the estimated cost
Of even “little” wars!
by Ray Romine Thursday, July 13, 1950
Come pat my back and shake my hand;
Don’t criticize nor reprimand
Me. I’m the Backbone of the Nation;
All by myself I licked Inflation.
Commend me on my common sense;
Tell me I’m big; in fact, Immense.
Then, as my vigilance relaxes,
Promise to reduce my taxes.
Pour it on well; pull all the stops–
This year, the Common Man is tops.
I point with pride; in fact, I Quote:
I am the owner of a Vote!
by Ray Romine Tuesday, April 1, 1952
When my barber eyes me hopefully,
And I eschew discussion,
I wish he had, where he’s got me,
A certain Joe the Russian.
by Ray Romine Friday, May 5, 1950
So China’s been branded “aggressor”
And Europe needs us to redress’er
It’s blunt thus to put it:
The bill, who will foot it?
Am I it? And the answer is Yessir!
by Ray Romine Friday, January 12, 1951
I live in a democracy :
It isn’t perfect, no, but–well–
It’s good enough, perhaps, for me.
Where crime and vice and infamy
Are smiled upon, and thrive pell-mell:
I live in a democracy.
The land of opportunity ,
Where all the onportunists swell:
“It’s good enough, perhaps, for me —
“A land where a minority
Can buy the rest of them, and sell–
I live in a democracy!”
The rich grow richer easily;
The poor are just allowed to dwell;
It ‘s good enough, perhaps, for me.
Why don’t I move?–Well, that would be
From frying-pan straight into Hell;
I live in a democracy:
It’s good enough, perhaps, for me….
by Ray Romine Thursday, January 25, 1945
The path which the General now treads
Is one of getting it through certain heads
That, although they love it
And have oodles of it,
Red tape is no good to fight Reds!
by Ray Romine Friday, May 4, 1951
Republicans, casting about
For a way to put Harry to rout
Should maybe remember
Another November,
And not start the count till he’s OUT!
by Ray Romine Friday, July 13, 1951
As Congress gets ready to oil
Its machinery with which to foil
A Dem party head,
It may learn, instead,
That a pot that is watched will not Boyle.
by Ray Romine Friday, August 10, 1951
I’ll forgive the barber whose
Hobby’s giving with the news,
If only he and all his minions
Would shave somewhat their own opinions.
by Ray Romine Tuesday, May 16, 1950