For certain abuses
There exist excuses,
There is no denying the fact;
But what explanation
By what man or nation
Can cover default on a pact?
by Ray Romine Monday, October 3, 1949
Selections from Trella Romine's library at Terradise Nature Center
For certain abuses
There exist excuses,
There is no denying the fact;
But what explanation
By what man or nation
Can cover default on a pact?
by Ray Romine Monday, October 3, 1949
On Eniwetok lately,
The AEC assured
Us, useful information
Was certainly secured.
Unanswered is the question
(It’s silly, I presume):
Useful facts and figures
Secured, but yes. By whom?
by Ray Romine Friday, June 15, 1951
Should Harry now find things transpiring
Against him, it’s not so inspiring
Reflecting, no doubt,
That he might turn out
An Ex-engineer who went firing.
by Ray Romine Friday, April 20, 1951
HT, no doubt, has often prayed
To those inclined to meddle:
Old soldiers, who won’t die or fade,
Could you, please, soft pedal?
by Ray Romine Friday, June 15, 1951
I know just how the government
Ought to be run, and who
Is qualified for president
And School-board Member, too.
I know which laws are ripe for change;
Which policies, unfair;
I know whose taxes they should raise,
And whose they ought to pare.
The Major Issues are my meat;
But, though it causes stares,
I take five minutes once a week
And right my own affairs.
by Ray Romine Monday, August 13, 1951
With gas and tires and cars again,
Quite soon there’ll be vacations;
And maybe meat and underwear,
And visiting relations.
The one sour note in all this honey:
Our next great shortage *may be–money!
*may, Heck- -make that word “will”…..
by Ray Romine Monday, July 30, 1945
Gad– think of all the campaign hooey
It took to elect a man named Dewey!
But do not cry and do not curth it–
I have a notion he’ll be worth it.
by Ray Romine Wednesday, October 13, 1948
Say the Redskis, “Since we aren’t able
To whip ’em, we’ll try them with fable,
For our Uncle Sam
Is an innocent lamb
We can slaughter at Conference Table.”
by Ray Romine Friday, June 29, 1951
Now that delegates to either shindy
Have retired, bruised, barked, and skinned–he
The Chicagoan–racked,
Sees his city contract
Back to its normally windy!
by Ray Romine Friday, July 4, 1952
The Russian Joe
Is spending dough;
His terror’s getting sheerer .
He’s worried so
About some foe–
Quick, hand the guy a mirror!
by Ray Romine Thursday, June 15, 1950