I have a thought in passing
That I think rather cute:
How will I look in nighties – Since
I can’ t buy a suit??
by Ray Romine Sunday, January 27, 1946
Selections from Trella Romine's library at Terradise Nature Center
Ray Romine Poems
I have a thought in passing
That I think rather cute:
How will I look in nighties – Since
I can’ t buy a suit??
by Ray Romine Sunday, January 27, 1946
My side is clearly stated,
And I’ll back it till I win.
Not that I want to argue–
I’m just tired of giving in.
by Ray Romine Saturday, September 8, 1951
She’s smiling her prettiest; he’s looking grim,
As their pathways converge at the altar,
For, while she’s complacent about hooking him,
His mumblings include the word “halter”.
For the first time, it’s hit him they don’t teach in school
What’s turned him unsteady and pale:
Mere man’s the exception who’s proving the rule
That the dominant sex is the male.
by Ray Romine Thursday, March 15, 1951
I held you in my arms tonight:
Doors were opened–bells did ring;
You debated, poised for flight,
And trembled like an angel’s wing.
Time may fleet or take it slow–
It matters less than aught to me;
Material things may come and go–
Let them!–I’ve a memory!
(Only that–and there it ends
Until rehearsal Saturday:
I am married–she’s a friend’s
Girl-friend. The scene–the Christmas Play!)
What goes on when up’s the curtain
Ain’t for me, and that is certain!
by Ray Romine Saturday, November 25, 1944
In picnic season I maintain
A very warlike attitude
Towards eating out; beyond a doubt
I charge when someone mentions Food.
by Ray Romine Tuesday, July 4, 1950
The Joneses break out something new:
Our house has to have one too.
We always keep up with the Jones’–
Right to their debts and bills and loans.
Alt: Right to their bills and debts and loanses,
We always keep up with the Joneses.
by Ray Romine Sunday, April 2, 1950
Tell your hostess that her pie
(Even if you fake it)
Was wonderful–and learn, as I,
That she didn’t bake it…
by Ray Romine Tuesday, November 20, 1951
April showers, to my mind,
Are wetter than the other kind;
Or can it be that I don’t love ’em
Because there are so many of ’em??
by Ray Romine Monday, April 1, 1946
Said a Doctor to Mrs. Van Snoot, “Your
About to acquire a new suture;
Then we’ll have to go slow,
For I’m sure I don’t know
Just what we’d remove in the future.”
by Ray Romine Thursday, April 1, 1954
If the rumors from high up we hear are true,
Cleaning house will be early in ’52!
by Ray Romine Friday, December 14, 1951