June can’t be held responsible
For being the month of brides.
Catastrophes happen other months
And there’s 11 of them, besides.
by Ray Romine Sunday, June 26, 1949
Selections from Trella Romine's library at Terradise Nature Center
Ray Romine Poems
June can’t be held responsible
For being the month of brides.
Catastrophes happen other months
And there’s 11 of them, besides.
by Ray Romine Sunday, June 26, 1949
When all is said and done, my dear,
And the last word is written,
I hope the gossips fondly leer:
“He was Florence-smitten”.
For nothing I have ever done,
Or in the future finish,
Can make your glory even one
Single whit diminish.
Success or wealth, or friends or fame
Can be just words I ‘ve written–
But you are more than just a name!
I’ll stay Florence-smitten.
by Ray Romine Sunday, September 1, 1946
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away-“
There’s no argument here, if we go on to say
That no power on earth is the equal of speeding him,
Further from you than the fact that you’re needing him.
by Ray Romine Sunday, September 21, 1952
God gave His Spirit, guised as trees,
For steps for man’s long climb upgrade:
For homes, for hearth, for ships, for shade,
For inspiration more than these.
by Ray Romine Thursday, November 15, 1951
If you will wear your shorts and slacks
(Sad garments that do not enhance)
Then overlook my caustic cracks–
I’m having fun at your expanse.
by Ray Romine Wednesday, September 10, 1952
I curse thee, gentle Morpheus,
With every breath I take:
I can’t sleep now; this AFTERNOON
I couldn’t stay AWAKE!
by Ray Romine Saturday, April 24, 1943
You say the best of friends must part.
Perhaps it’s just as well that way.
Could be, for us, a brand new start
Is just the thing–let’s us be gay!
I’ll laugh at love; I’ll sneer and snort;
I’ll flash a wise, superior smile
As other Two’s themselves disport
In their inane and puerile style.
Yet, life sans you is sans romance,
And we were such a happy pair…
–You might give me just one more chance?
HoId it, darling–I’ll be there!
by Ray Romine Tuesday, October 8, 1946
At intersections time is gained
By cheating. But it is said
That life is often best maintained
By stopping dead.
by Ray Romine Friday, June 4, 1954
If at any time he isn’t crying,
It’s just because he isn’t trying.
by Ray Romine Monday, October 11, 1948
The stool receives his jacket,
And his cap hangs on the floor.
His comic books are stepping stones
That stretch from door to door.
But when we dump his pockets
It proves he is really neat —
He picks up every single thing
He sees upon the street!
by Ray Romine Tuesday, June 16, 1953