The percentage of Greats is so small
Out of the whole of us all
That it seems such a shame
To struggle for Fame
When we’re sure of Obscurity’s Hall.
by Ray Romine Thursday, November 16, 1950
Selections from Trella Romine's library at Terradise Nature Center
The percentage of Greats is so small
Out of the whole of us all
That it seems such a shame
To struggle for Fame
When we’re sure of Obscurity’s Hall.
by Ray Romine Thursday, November 16, 1950
Here is a point I’ve pondered on:
Whoever mows or feeds it,
No one appreciatee a lawn
As does the one who seeds it.
by Ray Romine Tuesday, October 19, 1948
I sat along the river Thames,
Lonesome for my home and femmes.
I’d much prefer the river Thames
If one could sit and chat with dames.
by Ray Romine Friday, January 19, 1951
What combines better than sweethearts with May-day?
Unless it’ s a thirst with a beautiful pay-day.
by Ray Romine Tuesday, October 1, 1946
I see a perfect world, at ten,
With understanding brimming,
Where the women castigate the men
And the men damn all the wimming!
by Ray Romine Wednesday, September 18, 1946
How warm! What prickly
Cozy fun!
Come turn me quickly-
This side’s done.
by Ray Romine Saturday, December 9, 1950
Nothing in his daily living,
No contingent he has faced
Proves man’s contrary nature
Like containers labeled “Waste.”
by Ray Romine Friday, August 31, 1951
The folks you know so casually
Mean nothing, I admit, to me;
But that won’t stop you, dear old pest,
So long as YOU are still impressed
by Ray Romine Tuesday, November 6, 1951
The time will come for sure when I
Shall go to work upon his tie…
by Ray Romine Monday, March 10, 1952
The volume wasn’ t technical,
And all the critics called it good;
And yet, I find I can’ t recall
The little that I understood.
by Ray Romine Saturday, December 9, 1950