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No, Thank You

Regarding this ancient abuse,
Just who does he figure is gainer
When man will steadfastly refuse
To use a refuse container?

(Thanks to TH (Trella Haldeman) for idea)

by Ray Romine Friday, September 14, 1951

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No Mystery

That haze blamed on poor Mauna Loa!
With our blame we should go a bit sloa,
For it’s sure that the haze
Is but part of the daze
That man walks around in–no moa.

by Ray Romine Thursday, June 15, 1950

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My Wants Are Few

I nominate for obsure burial
The gruesome television aerial;
Long-haired affairs; the must-see show;
The fancy posies some folks grow;
The friends who come here just to kibitz;
Excursions; boatrides; art exhibits;
Long mountain trips; resort vacations;
Fast cars full of starved relations–
I don’t despise these foes of boredom.
It’s just that I cumot afford ’em.

by Ray Romine Friday, September 22, 1950

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He is easily persuaded,
So direct him off his course:
He will see that Grandma’s aided–
He will back your losing horse.

He is full of indecision,
So do with him what you will:
While you hoot in wild derision
He will pay your garbage-bill.

Whether Ping-pong, Chess or Voo-doo,
He will take it up if you do.

He will loan you hard-earned money;
At your parties, he’ll be funny.

He’ll do anything you ask him;
Castigate or overtask him.

Comes a job with drawbacks to it,
Just suggest it–he will do it.

He will put up with your kidding;
He’ll relieve you of your wife;
He’ll do anybody’s bidding–
He lets others run his life.

Yet there is one slight demurrage:
For the only Books he buys
Have a Hero with the courage
To select his own neckties!

by Ray Romine Thursday, October 17, 1946

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Misguided Missile

Silently the juke-box sits,
A monstrous, hulking thing of might;
Colored lights, and chrome, and ritz–
Atom bomb in its owm right–
Packaged up and triggered, much
As fiercer bombs, with grimmer loads–
It takes the final, awful touch
Of nickel–and the thing EXPLODES!

by Ray Romine Thursday, August 16, 1951