I’ve never had my I .Q. tested,
For all of me, the matter’s rested,
For I’d run into trouble; viz.,
Some Jasper’s asking what it is.
by Ray Romine Wednesday, August 2, 1950
Selections from Trella Romine's library at Terradise Nature Center
I’ve never had my I .Q. tested,
For all of me, the matter’s rested,
For I’d run into trouble; viz.,
Some Jasper’s asking what it is.
by Ray Romine Wednesday, August 2, 1950
I laugh and rail at man–sometimes.
(Today I saw his better side)
I liked the way his ego climbs;
I swelled a little, too, with pride.
Man’s pretty good–I will confide…
(Today I saw his better side)
by Ray Romine Sunday, October 20, 1946
It never rains except when I am without my umbrella;
A traffic light is red or green, except when it is yella.
by Ray Romine Thursday, January 27, 1944
The place in my bank’s shortest line,
Won by adroit endeavor,
{Will leave me there at closing time,
As far from cash as ever.}
{Will find me in, at closing time,
As long a line as ever.}
by Ray Romine Sunday, June 11, 1950