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Slow Burn

It matters not how hard I try,
It seems quite evident that I,
With prices, taxes, going higher,
Will never set the world afigher.
In fact, with pants in rags and patches,
Where could I carry bombs or matches?

by Ray Romine Friday, March 16, 1951

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Financially, I guess, you might
Describe me as “bereft.”
I have a job, which is all right;
I live on what is left.

by Ray Romine Friday, August 24, 1951

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Over Par

We know the Average Man;
The places he will go;
The home to house his clan;
His car for to and fro.
We check him pro and con.
He keeps one secret, though:
Just how the average John
Annexes all that Doe.

by Ray Romine Friday, November 4, 1949

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One Way

I drive me to the market with
A ten-spot in my pocket.
The car goes to the pawn-shop next–
To eat, I’ll have to hock it.

by Ray Romine Tuesday, August 28, 1951

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On Wishing For The Moon

Folks who measure life with money
Are Just funny,
Price for me one happy day:
How much would I have to pay?
Appraise the smallest winking star;
Tell me what the sunsets are
Worth in terms of money?

Place me, Fates, between the greedy
And the needy.
If each day provides its bread,
Clothes, and shelter overhead;
Nature’s show for eye and ear;
Friends to know, and loved ones near,
I cannot be greedy.

by Ray Romine Friday, September 26, 1947