I’ll handle this one without gloves:
If he’s hobbyist, and sappy,
Each man kills the thing he loves
Just to make his Mrs. happy.
by Ray Romine Sunday, March 4, 1951
Selections from Trella Romine's library at Terradise Nature Center
I’ll handle this one without gloves:
If he’s hobbyist, and sappy,
Each man kills the thing he loves
Just to make his Mrs. happy.
by Ray Romine Sunday, March 4, 1951
Don’t tell me, when we’re dressing, dear,
To take my time, for heaven’s sake!
With what you’re using up, I fear
There Is no time left for me to take.
by Ray Romine Monday, October 1, 1951
My wife isa stickler for Promptness;
She ‘s a great one for Being on Time.
Punctual, sir? What I mean to infer;
She sees to it always that I’M!
by Ray Romine Tuesday, June 9, 1953
She cooks, in incomparable fashion,
A roast, or a large leg of lamb;
Or she brings to the guests who are drooling
A bird, or a beaut of a ham,
Which friend husband, with fervor unbounded,
Proceeds, as in chopping a tree,
To reduce, in methodical manner,
To a pile of the choicest debris.
No matter how firmly united
You stand today, husband and wife,
Have a care now, for what’s more dividing
Than a carelessly-used carving knife?
by Ray Romine Wednesday, April 1, 1953
Why is it those girls for whom longing is painful
Look disdainful,
While those I’d rather see go by me
Always eye me??
by Ray Romine Tuesday, April 24, 1945
I loved the cunning things you say:
I loved the way you say them;
I loved your frills. As for your bills,
Let my successor pay them.
by Ray Romine Wednesday, September 8, 1948
So you’re almost-engaged, my son?
Then take a fool’s advice, and run.
Look not back; just count the cost:
For he who hesitates–is bossed.
by Ray Romine Sunday, January 20, 1946
The hard-luck kid
Who’s the clumsy clown,
The one whose bread lands
Butter side down,
Who studies the lesson
That wasn’t assigned,
Whose fingers are thumbs,
Is the one you’ll find
As the self-same lad
Who, grown up, got her–
The town’s rich banker’s
Beautiful daughter.
by Ray Romine Friday, December 8, 1950
Though my wife’s days consist
Of trouble and violence,
Who will insist
That she suffers in siolence?
by Ray Romine Wednesday, June 28, 1950
Proof, if you need it, that clearly discloses
That a gal’s mind’s at work while her mate-to-be’s dozesl
by Ray Romine Friday, August 29, 1952