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It Isn’t Hopeless

There Is Pardon Me, Thank You, and Please,
And Keeping Mum at Table–
Our kiddies are absorbing these
As well as they are able.

There’s Not Throw Food, and After You;
There’s May I, and Excuse me;
And I’ll Not Pout if I Can’t Do,
Or Mother should refuse me.

Sometimes, this father wants to say,
They’ll NEVER learn, and yet
THESE are the parents who’ll–one day–
Teach THEIR kids etiquettcl

by Ray Romine Saturday, September 20, 1952

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Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall

I forget my wife’s age–but remember her birthdays;
I praise her fine points–but ignore what her girth stays;
Anniversaries seldom, if ever, get by me;
From the social amenities you cannot pry me.
But for genuine thoughtfulness I’m Just in training
Beside who buys his raincoat when it isn’t raining!

I’m a great one to compliment my hostess on
The height of her salad, the looks of her lawn;
I’m good at “forgive me”, and “I beg your pardon”,
And I’ve nothing but nice things to say of her garden.
Still I have of longheadednees only an inkling
To who calls the roof-man when it isn’t sprinkling.

With whatever profundity I prowl the town,
A drizzle will catch me with storm signals down,
So am I far-sighted?–can you thus define me
When the smallest of showers can so undermine me?
Now if you’ll excuse me, I must see a fella- –
IT S RAINING!!–who’ll sell me a leak-proof umbrella?

by Ray Romine Wednesday, September 5, 1945

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“Congratulations on that baby-girl,”
I said, and saw his fore-head lines uncurl.
The world a little of its worry lost–
A kind word does so much for all the cost!

by Ray Romine Tuesday, October 22, 1946

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Daughter’s learning how to chew
With silent mouth, as grown-ups do.
She has her battle nearly won,
But eating isn’t half the fun!

by Ray Romine Thursday, November 3, 1949

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I Hate Writing Titles, Too

I personally abhor the guy who pulls his car out in
front o’ ya;
Then, when you beep at his idiocy, he looks injured as if
to say What have I dunta ya?

Talk about fools rushing in where angels fear to tread,
Why he’ll try to put an Eight-cylinder maroon paint-job
into a space that wouldn’t decently accomodate our
daughter’s trundle-bed.

And as for that wheeze about giving him an inch and he’ll take a yard–
He not only does, but has learned to do it with a Gangway,
it’s MY street, pard. Or should I say bard?

Lots of faith is what it takes:
HIS faith is a monstrous thing, considering the condition
of my brakes.

You may not agree but all the same
I think ‘higher’ education is to blame:

In present-day colleges,
Instead of absorbing knowledges,

Your student spends months mastering a game known as basketball,
in which the other side is wrecked
By his squeezing himself through holes you couldn’t push an ice-pick through, and being called a ‘forward’ for years, so what can you expect?

by Ray Romine Friday, January 28, 1944

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Hint Might Help

We’ve some friends who’re wonders on current events;
They’ re lousy with talents and natural bents;
They are witty and funny- -a whole hippodrome;
They know everything, yes, except when to go home.

by Ray Romine Saturday, June 24, 1950