I vote this lad a well-earned boost ,
A big one packed with power:
He attains the door as he leaves my roost-
Then talks another hour.
by Ray Romine Friday, September 23, 1949
Selections from Trella Romine's library at Terradise Nature Center
I vote this lad a well-earned boost ,
A big one packed with power:
He attains the door as he leaves my roost-
Then talks another hour.
by Ray Romine Friday, September 23, 1949
Though taught to say “How do you do?”
“Hello there”; even “How are you?”‘
Today’s child, full of sway and swing,
Lets “Hi-yuh” cover everything.
by Ray Romine Tuesday, September 12, 1950
Haldeman’s have a cat named Mable
They have to shoo from off the table,
This dear people is no fable:
I’d rather eat in any stable.
by Ray Romine *bad date*, N/A
What I am privileged to slide by
And you, by all means, should abide by.
by Ray Romine Saturday, August 5, 1950
The hobbiest is a fellow who
Thinks his interests interest you.
I fool him, I pretend they do-
Repaying him, with interest too!
by Ray Romine Thursday, August 10, 1950
So glad I met you, Mrs.–er–
I hope all your perceptions blur,
Because I hate you? Not at all.
For your odd name I can’t recall.
Repeat it , and I wish you lice
For making me forget it twice.
by Ray Romine Saturday, December 9, 1950
I’d like to be insured against
This cause of deep disgrace:
Bumping into someone
Whom I cannot place.
by Ray Romine Tuesday, September 5, 1950
He prates to me, “You waste your time.”
It’s squandered, I admit.
But what gets me is he can’t see
HE’S wasting it!
by Ray Romine Wednesday, October 10, 1945
“I’m sorry,” said he, “To intrude,”
Which leaves me slightly fuzzy:
If he was conscious he was rude,
Why wuzzy?
by Ray Romine Thursday, September 26, 1946
To keep a borrowed book a year
Is too long, I aver,
And only is excusable
When I’m the borrower.
by Ray Romine Saturday, September 26, 1953