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Gather ’round and listen, fellas,
How the stork, at Walt-and-Trella’s
Dropped a bundle, pink end merry,
The twenty-sixth of January.

Second baby holds no terror
For who have learned by trial-and-error;
No problem, David’s bottle and bathy-
They have learned all this on Kathy.

Wally’s smile is inches bigger–
Trella has resumed her figger;
Bernard’s smirking too, for joy:
He SAID this one would be a boy!

With his start, he should be, yessir-
A Botany Teacher, or Professor.
TALENTS?? They will be–attention!–
Much too numerous to mention!

In closing, it will suit us swella
If the kid takes after Trella- –
For we can stand him wet or squally,

(David Joseph born 1-26-1945)

by Ray Romine Thursday, January 18, 1945

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No Large Economy Size!

Now some say that two can live cheaply as one.
While they are returning to earth, it
Would be well to say
Families cost, and you’ll pay–
But most of us think they are worth it.

by Ray Romine Saturday, November 25, 1950

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Chromosome Check

Psychologists are prone to state
That a home with children leaves no room
For strife; but parents will debate
Over which inherited what, from whom.

by Ray Romine Thursday, September 1, 1949