The only thing longer in history
Than the “sec” of the gal who is dating
(It’s happened to you and it’s happened to me)
Is the face of the guy she keeps waiting.
by Ray Romine Monday, January 15, 1951
Selections from Trella Romine's library at Terradise Nature Center
The only thing longer in history
Than the “sec” of the gal who is dating
(It’s happened to you and it’s happened to me)
Is the face of the guy she keeps waiting.
by Ray Romine Monday, January 15, 1951
What makes a woman really smolder
Is to catch you looking over her shoulder.
by Ray Romine Thursday, February 4, 1954
A blonde beside me at the game
Was friendly, so I kissed her .
“You’re out-of-bounds,” she snapped, and slapped.
O- o-o what a wallop, sister!
I said, “I beg of you, do not
Confuse me with the masses;
My dear, this is the season for
All kinds of forward passes!”
by Ray Romine Tuesday, August 7, 1951
It’s quite a thrill to make a date–
I dare you find one greater–
And finding yourself one hour late,
To have her show up later!
by Ray Romine Friday, February 5, 1954