We ‘re moving to the country.
And we’re to have a cow;
And I shall learn to milk her
When daddy shows me how.
I guess I’ll farm as farmers do
And be a sort of milkman too!
by Ray Romine Sunday, January 13, 1952
Selections from Trella Romine's library at Terradise Nature Center
We ‘re moving to the country.
And we’re to have a cow;
And I shall learn to milk her
When daddy shows me how.
I guess I’ll farm as farmers do
And be a sort of milkman too!
by Ray Romine Sunday, January 13, 1952
Caterpillars seemed to me
The hardest friends of all to prize
Until I found they soon will be
Painted moths and butterflies.
So, to caterpillars now,
I curtsy, smile, and hope I’m seen.
I’m puzzled, though, to which I bow:
Jointed gnome or fairy queen!
by Ray Romine Wednesday, January 9, 1952
Whichever way I turn my head,
I see new things that fascinate:
A chipmunk in the flower bed;
A red bird sitting on the gate;
A little boy who moved next door ;
A fire-truck clanging fiercely by;
What’s inside an apple core;
Where and when and mostly why?
And when it’s time to stop my play,
What if I’m growing weary then?
If I tire of the world today,
Tomorrow it’s all new again.
But answer this one question, Lord:
If grown-ups LOOKED, would they be bored?
by Ray Romine Friday, January 11, 1952
I change the TV program,
If it is alright with mother;
And I often change from playing
With one plaything to another.
On some days the weather changes;
Ssometimes cattle change their range;
The movie changes pictures,
And the paper-boy makes”change”.
I change to my pajamas
When I go to bed at night;
But what changes really often
Is the corner traffic light!
by Ray Romine Monday, January 12, 1953
A grasshopper hopped upon my hand;
Looked up at me, and said, “My land!
You’re so BIG, my friend, and so very tall
I had quite a jump to get up here at all!
You don’t resemble the other plants .
Are you a mountain, by any chance?
Or a church? Or a barn? Or a thingumajig?
Bless me, yes, but you are BIG!”
I didn’t want to tell him (so was quiet as a mouse)
That I’m called “Little” in my own house!
by Ray Romine Wednesday, January 30, 1952
I like my rabbit’s twitchy nose;
I like his funny ears;
I like his snappy sit-up pose
At everything he hears.
I like my rabbit’s cushion white
He sits on when he stops;
But best of all, I’m sure I like
The way my rabbit hops.
by Ray Romine Sunday, January 13, 1952
My aunt lives on the river,
And the smartly painted boats
Go sliding by her garden,
Whistling merry little notes.
They don’t look at all like autos,
Though they give out smoke and squeals;
Like ducks, flat upon the river,
They use water for their wheels!
by Ray Romine Saturday, April 18, 1953
I have a little tractor
Painted very red;
I always used to walk to play–
Now I ride instead.
Daddy says it’s somewhat light
To do much work, but Gee,
I think it’s doing quite a lot
To haul just me!
by Ray Romine Wednesday, April 22, 1953
Peaches, plums and pears are there,
Glistening in glass;
Like faces in store windows,
They greet me as I pass.
I count the jars for mother,
And dad says, “What a sight!
You have preserved the sun for us!”
And I think he’s right.
by Ray Romine Friday, January 11, 1952
I know the sparrow’s saucy note,
The robin’s cheerful chirrup;
The thrush sings from his speckled coat
Like gurgling maple syrup.
I’ve heard the nighthawk on the wing;
And whistling Bobwhite’s call;
Some birds I know sing in the spring,
And some sing in the fall.
But when cold winds blow loud and strong,
The redbird sings all winter long!
by Ray Romine Sunday, August 26, 1951