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The Rabbit

He sits up straight at what he hears–
No wonder, what with such big earsl
He likes his food all fresh and new
(That growing in our yard will do).
He runs so fast, no dog can match him,
Especially Spot, who tries to catch him.
His cotton tail waves like a flag
That says “This race is in the bag.”
Spot runs until his head is spinning,
But, I hope the rabbit keeps on winning!

by Ray Romine Sunday, April 19, 1953

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The Plumber

The plumber came, and the plumber pounded;
His wrenches rang and his hammer sounded;
He rattled the kitchen and shook the hall.;
And he sang and he whistled over it all.
Whenever I managed to get near him,
He’d talk to me, but I couldn’t hear him.
Plumbers, I guess, are grown-up boys
Who never have to stop making noise.

by Ray Romine Thursday, January 31, 1952

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The Fog

He swirls at the house;
He’s so hungry and thin–
May I open the window
And ask the fog in?

We could talk of his travels.
And serve tea and such;
I’m sure he’s too bashful
To eat very much!

by Ray Romine Saturday, February 2, 1952

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The Clown

His lips, his ears, his shoes, his eyes,
Are all too big, at least one size;
His nose is red and round and large;
His suit would stretch around a barge;
And yet his hat, if you could call
It that, is several sizes small.
Most ways, he’s big, this fellow who
Can make me laugh enough for two!

by Ray Romine Monday, September 8, 1952

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High in his tree,
He watches me;
Then climbs out where the limbs are frail
To flirt in glee.
He’s showing me
limbs are frail
That flag he carries is a tail!

by Ray Romine Saturday, January 12, 1952

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Pretend Train

One big chair is the engine,
And the davenport, the cars.
So all aboard for Hackensack,
For Jupiter or Mars!

We’re rolling now, like sixty–
Oops! We almost hit a steer.
Kitty is the fireman, and
Guess who’s the engineer!

by Ray Romine Saturday, June 20, 1953

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Pictures take me far away,
Beyond the land of here and now.
Pictures make me smile and say,
“Teach me why and show me how.”
Pictures show, as pages turn,
How much fun it is to learn!

by Ray Romine Friday, January 4, 1952

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Perfect Day

Although the world outside was gray,
Indoors has been such fun today!
The music box was tinkly-gay;
Birds came to our feeder-tray;
We made snowmen from modeling clay;
We played cowboy and railway,
And circus-tent and castaway.
And mom said, “As a change from play,
How ’bout some doughnuts, if I may?”

But now our toys are put away.
I fold my Dolly’s hands. We pray:
Thank you, God, for such a day.

by Ray Romine Saturday, February 13, 1954